Shock - Creative Multipurpose Bootstrap 5 Template
Icon name


This is a example of a summary description for this item.

Icon name


This is a example of a summary description for this item.

Icon name


This is a example of a summary description for this item.

Icon name


This is a example of a summary description for this item.

Choose your new plan.


$ 24 /mo
  • 3 Amazing things Icon name
  • Funny videos to watch Icon name
  • Freedom to navigate Icon name
  • Can bring the family Icon name
  • Unlimited support Icon name


$ 39 /mo
Most Popular
  • 15 Amazing things Icon name
  • Funny videos to watch Icon name
  • Freedom to navigate Icon name
  • Can bring the family Icon name
  • Unlimited support Icon name


$ 60 /mo
  • 100 Amazing things Icon name
  • Funny videos to watch Icon name
  • Freedom to navigate Icon name
  • Can bring the family Icon name
  • Unlimited support Icon name

Why is this question already showing the answer?

Because a class called show was set in the html and thus it stays open when loading the page.

This is certainly useful to keep the most important question and answer highlighted.

To get this highlighted text, just use the html mark tag, and use a color class. 😃

Also works well with other colors by adding a color class to the element, but use it sparingly or it may become exaggerated.

Yea! 😍

This theme was made to make it easier to build any type of website. Also the item support is very friendly and professional.

Image name