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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec sapien ut nulla finibus commodo sit amet nec ex. Duis ut eros vitae enim ullamcorper tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec sapien ut nulla finibus commodo sit amet nec ex. Duis ut eros vitae enim ullamcorper tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec sapien ut nulla finibus commodo sit amet nec ex. Duis ut eros vitae enim ullamcorper tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
"The design is not just what it looks like. The design is how it works".
"The design is not just what it looks like. The design is how it works".
"The design is not just what it looks like. The design is how it works".

Basic list
- This is the first item on the simple list.
- This is the second item on the list and has more text than the others.
- Below is a inner list:
- Show bullets as indicator.
- Have appropriate left margin.
- Here ends the inner list.
- This is the second-to-last item in the list and has more text than the others on more than one line.
- Here the list ends.
Ordered list
- This is the first item in the ordered list.
- This is the second item on the list and has more text than the others.
- Below is a inner list:
- Sub-items are also numbered.
- Have appropriate left margin.
- Here ends the inner list.
- This is the second-to-last item in the list and has more text than the others on more than one line.
- Here the list ends.
Iconized list
This is the first item on the iconized list.
This is the second item on the list and has more text than the others.
Below is a inner list:
Show icons as indicator.
Have appropriate left margin.
Here ends the inner list.
This is the second-to-last item in the list and has more text than the others on more than one line.
Here the list ends.
Iconized and numbered list
Environment 32
Events 76
Technology 45
Computing 30
Programming 58
Engineering 63
Innovation 98
Social 75